New Delhi hosted 6th World Ayurveda Congress & Arogya Expo from 6th to 9th November, 2014 and the theme was 'Health challenges and Ayurveda. 

One of the main aims of holding such international conference is to register Ayurveda as a medical system in the minds of  global community.


Ayurveda is the ancient Indian system of natural and holistic medicine using plant properties to treat  the diseases.  The Sanskrit root Ayur means 'longevity' or 'life and veda means 'Science'.  It is the science of healing of 5000 years old.  In its website 6th World Ayurveda Congress stated that Ayurveda has strong philosophical foundations unquestionable science veracity, everlasting practical methodology and eternally vibrant innovativeness for modifications into allied systems such as Siddha and Unani.  It further said that Ayurveda has a proven track record of success through the ages.


Anybody's lofty goal is to have a disease-free body and it is very much possible if you follow the principles of health  enshrined in Ayurveda.


Though I am an Indian, I know a little about Ayurveda until 2004 when I bought David Simon's scholarly book 'The Wisdom of Healing - A comprehensive guide to  mind-body medicine. 


 The Rig Veda, a collection of more than one thousand poetic hymns that includes many of the central concepts of Ayurveda, was composed between 1200 and 900 B.C.  Experts say that Ayurveda system was already centuries old during the time of Charaka, the most celebrated of the ancient physicians of India, who lived around 700 B.C.


Indian mythology believes that Ayurveda came directly from the gods. However, during the medieval period Ayurvedic medicine began to be forcibly replaced by alternative systems imposed by the ruling classes.  Much damage to this ancient healing system occurred during 12th and 13th centuries when  Muslim invaders conquered India. It is also said that Ayurveda was almost completely suppressed by India's British rulers.  


Ayurveda advises the man to live in consonance with Nature.  Since the body is nothing but a composition of primordial elements, our life style must be in symphony with Nature's Laws.  This is the foundation upon which 'health' is built. 

The  recommended daily routine according to Ayurveda is as under :




- Wake without an alarm clock.

- Brush your teeth and clean your tongue

-Drink a glass of warm water to encourage regular elimination.

-Empty your bowels and bladder

-Massage your body with oil 


-Perform light exercise: Sun Salutes, yoga postures, breathing exercises.


-Eat breakfast

-Take a midmorning walk.




-Eat lunch (the largest meal of the day)

-Sit quietly for five minutes after eating.

-Walk to aid digestion ( five to fifteen minutes)

-Meditate in the late afternoon



-Eat a light to moderate dinner.

-Sit quietly for five minutes after eating

-Walk to aid digestion (five to fifteen minutes)

BED TIME : 9.30 TO 10.30 PM


-Perform light activity in the evening.

-Go to bed early, but at least three hours after dinner.

-Don't read, eat or watch TV in bed.


When this regimen is followed strictly, the power of immunity in the body increases and diseases don’t attack you !

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