Chetan Bhagat, better known for his fiction novels,  stands as publisher’s delight.  He  is  special to me. because, he  believed himself as a writer which led him for  leaving plum investment banker job  to settle as writer.   


Chetan Bhagat over the years earned reputation as a Youth Writer. So whatever comes from his pen  becomes instant success and youth read him more than any other age group.   His style is very simple  and I felt that much of his writings are driven by economics and politics.    He  is a mass writer and  knows the pulse of youngsters.   


This book depicts his take on very contentious issues plaguing the society and his writing was aimed at youth to bring   a positive change in the governance.  


LPitroda said that there is no dearth of problems in India and what we need is courage and conviction to fight for larger good.  Before expecting societal transformation, it is individual’s stereotypic chalta hai mindset  that needs to be changed.   Internet with  free flow of information already brought considerable change, but a lot needs to be done and it is people's  combined will that would transform the face of India.


Public luminaries   are  armed with sound academic credentials must influence India’s thought process.  What they  articulate through their writings and other forums must be heard  by those in Power and let us hope that brighter  days are ahead if we could  ensure cent percent literacy in the country which is still an uphill task.

With this note, I recommend you to  buy  this book to inject patriotic fervour into your veins !

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