Indian tradition says: Don't talk ill of departed people. With that umbrella rule, I like to speak only the brighter side of Nehru and the posterity needs  to know his   contribution in releasing  India from the clutches of British Raj.


Mushirul Hasan, former Vice-Chancellor, Jamia Millia Islamia, in his scholarly article in a prominent English daily dwelt at length about the lesser-known facts of Nehru. He says that :


Nehru was a voracious reader: he read 55 books from May 21, 1922 till January 29, 1923 alone. He delved into philosophy, and turned the pages of history to illuminate his understanding of the ideas and movements, which stood apart as the catalyst for momentous changes. In so doing, he looked through other people’s writings to understand how simple, ordinary men and women became heroes, and how their strivings made history stirring and epoch-making. Prison had made a man of him, he told the Socialist leader, Acharya Narendra Deva (1889-1956), while they were in jail for the last time in 1942.


Why did he write? Who did he write for? He had no archives to consult; so he relied on his recollections and on bits of information that he could conceal. He disliked being called a writer, and yet, armed with a varied experience of affairs, writing became a congenial occupation. Sometimes he didn’t write for weeks, now and again he wrote daily. His letters from jail represented his moods and thoughts at the time of each event; they were also his escapes from goal.


Nehru has a great love for roses and children. His famous 'Letters from a Father to His Daughter' teaching about natural history and the story of civilization to his daughter,  Indira is worth to be read. It speaks a lot about parenting and imbibing values.


His other two Great Books are  :


1. Glimpses of World History : Written almost entirely in prison in the 1930s. 

2. The Discovery of India : The book is a hymn to the glories of India. 


One should not miss to read these two epic books.


If you scan the history of  civilization, the  stalwarts the world over have  writing as one of their core inclinations.  Because it brings out the innate talents of a person and detoxify by facilitating to share his /her experiences. Take the case of Mahatma Gandhi whose 'Autobiography - My Experiments with Truth' has propelled  his ideas and it is a timeless classic for any generation. 


A writer would stand alone in the sands of time much after his life and continues to inspire through his/her books. What one needs more than this ?

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