Words form the thread on which we string our experience.


                                              - Aldous Huxley


In our present day education system, little stress is laid on honing language skills. As English is the link language in higher education in a country like India which is a mosaic of diverse cultures, we must strive hard to    build up vocabulary as a never-ending process beyond academic life. 


Nobody can master the vocabulary overnight. Like Rome was not built in a day, building up vocabulary is an arduous process and there is no short cut for it.


Some people may take a lame excuse that in routine life we need not use more high standard words and that’s why there is no need to refer dictionary. Their contention is that mediocrity meets the job. For those lethargic souls, this is not the place to go further. But the credence of vocabulary is realized by people who are avid readers. To write, you need to be armed with befitting words to express different hues of emotions for different occasions. 


English is the world’s most liberal language and it adds any local words to its cobweb to become holistic. Personality development guru Tony Robbins says that ‘with words, we can make our noblest intentions felt and our deepest desires known.’ Those who are sleepy to get on without expanding their vocabulary must read these inspiring lines of Robbins “People with an impoverished vocabulary live an impoverished emotional life; people with rich vocabularies have a multi-hued palette of colours with which they  paint their experience, not only for others, but for themselves as well’.


English contains more than a million words. As per estimate by Global Language Monitor on January 1, 2020, the number of words in the English language is : 1,057,379.6.  Currently there is a new word created every 98 minutes or about 14.7 words per day. Experts say that the average person’s working vocabulary consists of only between 2000 and 10000 words.


We must cultivate the habit of referring dictionary daily like brushing teeth. It should be one of the non-negotiable activities of the day. Once this habit sinks into your system, it will enrich your speaking and writing abilities.


In computers, tablet computers and smartphones, dictionary apps are replacing the physical voluminous dictionaries. Though this digital substitute is doing wonders, the flavour of finding a new word in physical dictionary is enticing for which we must have a reliable dictionary. Finding difficult words and getting their meanings known should be a daily ritual. The best way to remember the meaning for new word is to add some emotional string to that word so that it would embed in permanent memory.   Keeping a notepad exclusively for this purpose would keep not only a record for the new words we gather but facilitate to come back and forth to use those learned words in our daily usage.   Rich vocabulary is like party wear  which is a visual feast to the onlooker!


One of the secrets to influence others is through word-power and once you succeed in this art, the world would lay a red carpet  for you !

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