All roads lead to Rome. All religions preach the same message, the Message of Peace and Unity.

In fact, religion is purely a personal domain that should not be brought to public debate. We being humans must use the faculties the Creator has endowed. Even those who don't have faith in God or Creator should not make a mess out of it. They can follow their own conviction without violating other's freedom/rights.

But so much violence is inflicted in today’s world in the name of religion & God.

If you read any sacred text of any religion, the message is same. It is to nurture human values and respect the life.

The Holy Book Bible is full of snippets of wisdom.

If you read the Bible, there is no difference in the sayings of Jesus to what Krishna taught in Bhagavad Gita and the sayings of Muhammad Pravakta in Qur'an.

The central message of life of Jesus is the sacrifice for the sake of others; serve the humanity and leave your personal comforts behind.

Swami Vivekananda, the torchbearer of India's Spiritual Wisdom to the West was a great admirer of Jesus Christ. Between 1888- 1893 when he travelled in his own country – India, he accompanied two books, one of which is 'The Imitation of Christ’ written by Thomas a Kempis.

In many of his tours in the West, Vivekananda was often referred as Hindu Monk, but he is a true messenger of all religions and he spoke a lot on Christ, Muhammad, Buddha and other wisdom masters.

Persecution is not a solution nor enmity a way out. To keep the fabric of society united, respecting all religions is the need of the hour and there is no difference of opinion on this count by any religion!


In the long chequered history of human civilization, one man whose teachings created ripples in the world and a religion took birth by his name - Buddha.

According to Wikipedia, Buddha was born either 563 BCE or 480 BCE in Lumbini (a place in present-day Nepal) and died in 483 BCE or 400 BCE which means he probably lived about 80 years on this planet. His marathon life helped the mankind to juice out his wisdom.

If we go into important landmarks of Buddha's life, we see that except his birth, all other phases of his life journey centered on India only.

- He attained enlightenment at Bodh Gaya, India
- Gave his first sermon at Sarnath, India.
- Finally, he left his mortal frame at Kushinara or Kashia in Uttar Pradesh, India.

His teachings / insights in nutshell are:

Three Great Truths:

1. Nothing is lost in the universe. Matter turns into energy and energy turns into matter.

2. Everything changes.

3. Law of cause and effect. We receive exactly what we earn, whether it is good or bad.

Four Noble Truths:

1. Suffering is common to all.

2. We are the cause of our suffering.

3. Stop doing what causes suffering.

4. Path to end suffering is to get enlightened.

Noble Eightfold Path:

1. Right View.

2. Right Thought.

3. Right, Speech.

4. Right, Conduct.

5. Right Livelihood.

6. Right Effort.

7. Right Mindfulness.

8. Right Concentration.

So, no outside interference is necessary to blossom which is a self-driven process.


There are many Indian Masters who went to West and propagated the message of India, after Swami Vivekananda.

Philip Goldberg in his much-acclaimed book "American Veda' termed him 'The Olympian Guru'. Born as Chinmoy Kumar Ghose in 1931, Sri Chinmoy was orphaned at 11 and spent next 20 years in the ashram of Sri Aurobindo in Pondicherry, South India. Set his foot on New York in 1964 and worked as a clerk at the Indian Consulate before known to the world as Sri Chinmoy, the leader of a spiritual community in Queens.

Compare to other Gurus of his generation, it is said that Sri Chinmoy had relatively few disciples. He is such a prolific writer with more than 1,500 books, 115,000 poems and 20,000 songs. His core philosophy says that a sound body may lead to higher elevation in spiritual life which can be emanated from the fact that he used to participate in marathons and ultra-distance races. All through his works, he taught the Vedantic message of oneness.

Though his childhood is full of rough weather as his parents had passed away in much younger age, but something positive in life was in store for young Chinmoy who took shelter in Sri Aurobindo ashram, Pondicherry that changed his destiny. His following verse inspires me a lot:

"Our goal is to go from bright to brighter to brightest, from high to higher to highest. And even in the highest, there is no end to our progress, for God Himself is inside each of us and God at every moment is transcending His own Reality."

After a fruitful life of 76 years, Sri Chinmoy attained Samadhi on 11th October 2007 in New York city.


When you check Wikipedia on Sufism, it reverts back with the following definition:

Sufism is a concept in Islam, defined by scholars as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam; others contend that it is a perennial philosophy of existence that pre-dates religion, the expression of which flowered within the Islamic religion.

Rumi is a great Sufi poet and his poems offer deep wisdom.

The following Sufi story (Source: Book " The Language of God: A Scientist presents Evidence for the Belief ” by Francis Collins) always puts me on modesty: