The life of philosopher always gives deep insights to tread a path of perfection. One such Greek philosopher whose profound wisdom inspires is Heraclitus ( c. 535 – c. 475 BCE), a pre-Socratic Greek philosopher and a native of the Greek city Ephesus. He is like Gautam Buddha or Lao Tzu, but the Greek soil was absolutely unkind for him.

He is one of the most highly penetrating souls.

His famous saying : "No man ever steps in the same river twice" He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that "the path up and down are one and the same"

He says that Good character is not formed in a week or a month. It is created little by little, day by day. Protracted and patient effort is needed to develop good character.

His immortal quote is “ Big results require big ambitions



                   Winston Churchill Biography
            Prime Minister, Journalist (1874–1965)

'We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow-worm.'

                                                   - Winston Churchill

Since my college days (1989/90) onwards, I am in the habit of taking note of great people's quotes which inspire me. My selection of quotes is such that they not only ignite me when I read them with the strength of thousand elephants and also to whoever read them.

The above quote of Former British Prime Minister is one of my all time favorite quotes. It reflects his personality and confidence on himself. History witnessed that he rallied his people during World War II and led his country from the brink of defeat to victory.

Like Churchill, everyone must have faith in himself/herself which becomes the bedrock of success in any activity they undertake. So work on your goals and show to the world what you could achieve!



Over the years, I have been carefully observing that my listening skills are not up to mark and they need to be fine-tuned to understand more of my Self than the words of other persons.

The awareness goes to next level only if the help comes from a spiritually illumined person who is matured enough to give a sermon on human relations.

I don't find more authoritative than Jiddu Krishnamurti who left nothing unsaid about human life. He says that:

           '' We listen with the various depths of our being, but our listening is always with a preconception or from a particular point of view ” He further stays that “ We do not listen simply; there is always the intervening screen of our own thoughts, conclusions, and prejudices. To listen there must be an inward quietness, a freedom from the strain of acquiring, a relaxed attention. This alert yet passive state is able to hear what is beyond the verbal conclusion. Words confuse; they are only the outward means of communication; but to commune beyond the noise of words, there must be in listening, an alert passivity. Those who love may listen; but it is extremely rare to find a listener. Most of us are after results, achieving goals; we are forever overcoming and conquering and so there is no listening. It is only in listening that one hears the song of the words."

When I read, re-read repeatedly the above lines some years ago, I felt ashamed of my listening skills. Krishnamurti's words ratify the fact that you must be in another dimension in life to simply listen the way it should be. I could vividly remember how I wildly beaten my elder child before fully listening to her version when she poured hot milk on her bare chest when she was hardly 4 years. I still repent for my ghastly act I committed in my 30s.

So, it is not bookish knowledge that bring serenity in our lives but the wisdom to understand the humans for which, we need to master the nuances of ''listening''.


Whatever you do, your intention should always be for the good of people.

As long as the intention is good, you need not worry. The doctor when he uses a knife for the patient's operation , is lauded, whereas the robber when he uses the same knife to torment the householder to steal his wealth, is caught and punished. Here the knife is same, but the person who uses it and the intention are different.

As long as our actions help others to grow in life, we should not think otherwise.

So act with a positive mind-frame!